About/Contact PurelyAlpaca
About Us
PurelyAlpaca is a company which started from a picture. We first learned of alpacas in 1998 while looking through a magazine on a business flight. We just loved the LOOK of the animals and wanted to know more. After a couple of years of research we began our first alpaca farm on an island in the Pacific Northwest, near Seattle. Our farm has been very successful in its own right, producing multiple-award winning prize alpacas.
Soon after starting the farm we opened a small farm store showcasing alpaca products to our many farm visitors (we were in a tourist area). The first retail web store was opened in 2002. The demand for quality alpaca products was much higher than anticipated with 100%+ growth per year!
PurelyAlpaca.com offers new features, more customer services and an ever wider collection of quality alpaca products. We love this industry and greatly enjoy seeking out new and exciting examples of "wearable art" made with luxurious naturally unique alpaca fiber.
With new designers and manufacturers getting into this exciting industry, alpaca clothing and gift offerings continue to expand at an exciting pace. At PurelyAlpaca.com we will continue to show the latest interesting products created from this exquisite naturally unique fiber.
Learn more about alpacas HERE
In 2016, PurelyAlpaca moved to Ramona, CA. Ramona is a small town in the mountains an hour outside San Diego with a Western feel, many horses and a growing number of alpaca farms. The new Ramona facility has more room, is more modern, easier for shipping products fast.
As always, we continue to expand our selection of exciting new alpaca products while also offering classic lines of clothing and gifts. We encourage you to join us in promoting this wonderful fiber and animal!
We are proud of our Customer Testimonials and hope to add yours!
Our staff looks forward to helping you with all your shopping needs.
Stay In Touch
- Know the latest going on by getting our free newsletter.
There are special offers and prize drawings for those on that list. You can unsubscribe at any time from any message. - We're pretty active on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter!
- And enjoy the beauty of alpaca on our Pinterest page!
In September of 2019 Brian was interviewed by Steve Heatherington of AlpacaTribe, a podcast about the alpaca industry, headquartered in Wales, UK. Brian and Steve discuss the retail and wholesale business and the alpaca industry in general. Connect to Audio HERE.
Contact Us:

* Use our on-cart Chat
* Send an email to info@purelyalpaca.com
* Facebook - Very active there! Some special offerings are only on Facebook.
* Twitter - we post on there too!
* Call: 877-PURELYA (787-3592) - we love to talk about alpaca!
We would love to hear from you!
Brian and Paula Schieber and staff of PurelyAlpaca
1444 Main St #308
Ramona, CA 92065