PurelyAlpaca - Naturally Unique Clothing and Gifts Since 2002

PurelyAlpaca - Naturally Unique Clothing and Gifts Since 2002

Speedy shipping, hassle-free returns.

Speedy shipping, hassle-free returns


In Urcos there is a knitter who was slowly going blind.  She had seen several doctors and all had told her the same thing.  Unless surgery was done to correct the issues, she would lose all her eyesight within the next two years.  Knowing there was no way to save the amount of money required to pay for this surgery, this lady had resigned herself to the fact that she had only a couple more years of being able to see. 

When the announcement came on the radio that we were looking for knitters, she jumped at this opportunity.  This was giving her hope she never had felt before.  In a matter of two weeks, by knitting hats for us, she was able to earn enough money to pay for the surgery she needed.  

How humbled and grateful I feel that we were able to provide her with this chance to preserve her eyesight.

Adventure Required Kintter


When we traveled to Kcauri at the beginning of the second week, we met the knitters at their community hall for the first time.  We were surrounded by women who were begging for work.  Among this group of women stood a solitary man. In his hand he held a clutch of knitting needles.  He wanted to show he was legitimately qualified to participate in this employment opportunity. As Juan translated for this man, I learned his story.  He had walked more than five miles through the mountains on his wife's behalf.  Several years earlier, due to a farm accident, his wife had both her legs amputated below the knee. As a result, she is now bed bound and unable to leave the house.  She desired to help provide income to support her family but had no way of doing this until we came to the village of Kcauri with employment opportunities, an opportunity suited for her which she could do while being permanently bedridden. Her husband faithfully walked to and from their farm each day we were in Kcauri so he could exchange the hats she had knit the day before and receive more yarn.  How he proved his desire to help his wife feel useful and needed was truly inspirational.  It was a blessing to see his charitable act and the difference this knitting opportunity was making in the lives of even this one little family in a remote area in Peru.

Adventure Required Knitter with yarn 


"Thank you for supporting the Adventure Required Alpaca Project! Your purchase of these unique high quality 100% baby alpaca hats supports the hopes and dreams of artisans in small Peruvian villages. Preserving ancient traditions and peoples."

- Angela, Director and designer for Adventure Required

Our ongoing plan is to continue to support this small village as they produce these high quality alpaca items for the Western market. The response to the quality of these hand made hats has been wonderful. We continue to be impressed with Angela and the difference one person with a passion can make!